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Gilded Roof Decorations of Sumtseling Monastery

shangri-la-songzanlin-monastery-AJP5846.jpg Ganden Sumtseling Monastery MonkMiniaturoThe Wheel of Dharma and the Deer at BenaresGanden Sumtseling Monastery MonkMiniaturoThe Wheel of Dharma and the Deer at BenaresGanden Sumtseling Monastery MonkMiniaturoThe Wheel of Dharma and the Deer at BenaresGanden Sumtseling Monastery MonkMiniaturoThe Wheel of Dharma and the Deer at BenaresGanden Sumtseling Monastery MonkMiniaturoThe Wheel of Dharma and the Deer at BenaresGanden Sumtseling Monastery MonkMiniaturoThe Wheel of Dharma and the Deer at BenaresGanden Sumtseling Monastery MonkMiniaturoThe Wheel of Dharma and the Deer at Benares

Gilded roof decorations of Ganden Sumtseling Monastery