[ 슬라이드쇼 정지 ]

Me in front of the Tiananmen Gate

beijing-tiananmen-DSC4481.jpg Tiananmen Gate and the portrait of Chairman Mao썸네일Me in front of Chairman MaoTiananmen Gate and the portrait of Chairman Mao썸네일Me in front of Chairman MaoTiananmen Gate and the portrait of Chairman Mao썸네일Me in front of Chairman MaoTiananmen Gate and the portrait of Chairman Mao썸네일Me in front of Chairman MaoTiananmen Gate and the portrait of Chairman Mao썸네일Me in front of Chairman MaoTiananmen Gate and the portrait of Chairman Mao썸네일Me in front of Chairman MaoTiananmen Gate and the portrait of Chairman Mao썸네일Me in front of Chairman Mao

Me in front of the Tiananmen Gate